Monday, October 26, 2009

Totem I carved in front of our Home.

 If you want to see a larger picture of the Totem just click on the pic.My email is my Tlingit Clan name which is you can email me if you would like to make a comment that way.

Bear House Post

Tlingit Bear Houst Post......side view.

Bear House Post

Here is my Tlingit Bear.....has a base with his paw prints.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Performing at Totem pole raising on Stuart Is.

Honoring the Totem by all the carvers dancing around the Totem. Ivy is drumming in the background. Scott Jensen the carver is in the Chilkat blanket, I'm the one in the cedar hat and Ralph Bennett has his back turned to the we dance around the pole.

Performing at Totem pole raising on Stuart Is.

Felix and I dancing at the Stuart Is Totem pole raising.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here are pictures of the Bear with the ears done and me painting them. Then I'll get the base made for the Bear to stand on.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Here is Ivy standing next to our Willow. Were thinking about taking the willow down to the height of the broken branch and carve it into a Totem pole. Give it another life like the Totem Pole in the background.

Yesterday a Violin maker from Duvall came by and cut a couple of rounds off the other end of the branch. He is going to use the wood in making violins......Very Cool It make  us happy that this Willow will be used to help make Music WOW.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fred Fulmer Tlingit Carver

Fred Fulmer Tlingit Carver

Click on this link to read about the Gonakadet story as well as view the mask "Raven opened my Eyes"